Where contestants face off against the highest, fastest and wettest challenges ever created!
Whether you're a thrill-seeker with a thirst for speed OR a big personality looking for a laugh APPLY NOW!
If you are at least 18 years old and in the Greater Los Angeles area (or can get here) please complete the form below. If you are under 18 at the time of this application, please get your parent/guardian's signature at the end of this form.
First Name *
Last Name *
City *
State *
Hometown City *
Hometown State *
Cell Phone *
Other Phone
Email *
Date of Birth *
Height *
Weight *
Please describe your living situation.
Body Type
What industry do you work in?
What is your job title?
Instagram or other website.
Five words your friends/family would use to describe you? *
What type of activities/hobbies do you like to do?
How are you competitive in your everyday life?
What is the most daring and dangerous thing you have ever done? Describe the circumstances. *
What is something people would never know just by looking at you? *
When was the last time you jumped into water? *
Can you swim? *
If NO or NOT THAT WELL, please explain.
What would you do with the money if you win on "Cannonball"? *
Finally -- if there is anything else exciting or important you would like to tell us, that you think we need to know – this is your chance!
Do you know anybody else that would love to be on "Cannonball"? Recommend them!
How did you hear about the casting for "Cannonball"? Please be specific. (i.e. Facebook, Craigslist...etc.) *
If you checked RECRUITED or OTHER, please specify who recruited you or how you heard about the casting.
List all television shows that you have appeared on (reality, game show, scripted etc.). Even if you did not win anything, please disclose all television appearances. If you've never appeared on any TV shows, please simply write N/A. *
Do you have any physical conditions that could either limit your ability to participate on the Program or that may require an accommodation on the set? *
If yes, please describe below.
Are there any dates between October 1st-November 31st, 2019 that you will NOT be available to come to LA for the shooting? If there are NO conflicts, please write N/A. *
Lastly, we HIGHLY ENCOURAGE you to upload a (2 minute) video of yourself (if you can). Please answer these questions on your own. You can also make one here through our video recorder. * Tell us your name, age, city and what you do for a living. * Tell us why you would be perfect for the show and why we should pick you (we love personality so don't be afraid to have fun with it)!
Please upload a clear recent photo of your face (without sunglasses on).
Please upload a clear and recent (full body) photo of yourself. *
I have read and agree to be bound by the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
PLEASE READ, SIGN AND DATE the following. *
Signature *
Parent or Guardian's Signature if applicant is under 18.
I have signed this release on: *
Please Select